Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Gracie Is...

Loving being 16 months old! Well, maybe I am more than she is! She is just at a really fun age/stage. She can play more now on her own (which is nice for me too!). She'll just play, or more like make a mess, then walk somewhere else and make a mess. Here are some pictures from this past week.

We have been bad about not putting our lower gate in and she will climb up the stairs without either one of us knowing. One day this weekend Kelly went up and I thought she was with him and he thought she was with me. I couldn't find her because she closes the gate upstairs so I didn't think she was up there. She doesn't latch the gate but she'll shut it. Here she is shutting it.

We had just come back from the store and she likes "helping" me to put things away. She actually brought this toilet paper in from the car. She's getting very good and putting books and toys away, unless she gets distracted by something else...

Playing Peek a boo behind this chair.

She LOVES her learning house. Best $20 purchase from Craigslist EVER!

She does this over and over throughout the day. Just letting Jack know she loves him.

We went to the park one nice afternoon. She HATES the swing and still screams her head off but she loves walking around.

We are nowing having to add 2 visits a week to my allergist for me to get shots. They are going okay so far. The worst part is having to stay 25 minutes in the waiting room to make sure I'm not having an allergic reaction. She gets fruit snacks (her favorite) so she's pretty good until they run out...

Just chillin' after a nice long nap. She still takes 2 naps a day which pretty much ruins our day sometimes but I know how much she needs them! (Me too!)

She loves putting a blanket and pillow out for her babies.

That's pretty much it! She's still eating pretty good but is starting to go through some spells where she will not touch her regular favorites. Still won't drink milk. I keep trying every few days and she spits it all out... Most people comment on how quiet she is but sometimes she'll be speaking "Gracie Language" and it's so loud that my ears ring.


Leslie said...

I love all of the new pictures! Our little ones sure know how to make messes, but at least Gracie girl puts it away later. Theo does not...... but Jack does!! Very cute.

Dana L said...

Very cute pictures - we miss her here in Nebraska. Hope to see you guys in May but I am not holding my breath. Stop in to the hospital if I don't make it to the wedding, on your way out. Love you guys

Melody said...

I love these pictures! She is too cute. Jonah & I hope to see you soon!