Saturday, April 25, 2009

School of Rock

Our school had the annual Spring Carnival today. It was perfect weather and there was a pretty good turn-out! We stopped by last year on our way to the Arboretum and I think we both said "Next year it will be more fun for her". Well, not so much. She's still too little to do anything but it was fun showing her off. She was attached to my shirt, literally. I tried putting her down and she just raised her arms and gave that look like "You better pick me up or I will have a melt-down" look. Owell, maybe next year she'll have fun! I didn't get any pictures outside because of her but we went inside for her Daddy to "straighten" up his room a bit. It took her a few minutes to take everything in but pretty soon she was finding markers on the floor and pen caps and taking stuff out of kids' desk (ewww!)

I took her into the science lab to "check on" the animals.

You'd better not leave me in here!

We just happened to have some baby chicks hatch this week and she LOVED them. She said "baby!"

If they didn't stink so bad she might have wanted to keep one!

I thought she'd like her Daddy's big rolling chair.... not so much.

Since they knocked out a wall in December his classroom is sooo big!

Take me home!

Trying to take a marker and pen cap home...


Tammy said...

they knocked out a wall? whoa!!! Grace looks so beautiful in those pictures... she's going to be a knockout! thanks for sharing!

Oliver and Nicole said...

Her hair is a little bit wavy! It's SO pretty!