Monday, November 16, 2009

Night-Night Gay-cie

I unexpectedly was able to stay home with my sweet girl today. Gracie’s baby-sitter wasn’t feeling well Sunday and decided she probably shouldn’t keep any kiddos today. At first I was frantic because Kelly was leaving  for his yearly 5th grade camp trip and we’ve had some family things going on that I can’t talk about right now…

I quickly ran up to school to throw some plans together (because teachers just CAN’T miss school you know!) and then relaxed knowing we’d have a fun day together!

We had a HUGE change of weather and it was freezing out! It was nice to sleep in past 5:30 but we were in a rush because we had to drop Kelly off at school to leave for camp.

We ran some errands together and just played, played, played at home. So nice!


Gracie has discovered that playing in her wagon IN the house is just too much fun. She gathers all her babies, bottles, and some toys and plops them in the wagon.


She played for over 30 minutes in the wagon. All the sudden I heard a “Momma! Momma! Here” I came in and she she said “I want it” and pointed to a bottle on the ground. Why get out of the wagon? Just call Momma.



Then she also discovered that riding her little 3 wheeler was even more fun in the house too. It’s a good thing we have a circle between our kitchen, dining room, and living room!



And just this weekend our little Gracie started calling herself “Gay-cie”. It’s so cute, but secretly I loved that she used to call herself “A/C”! So tonight after her bath, I got to put her in her footie pj’s.


She loves doing patty cake with her feet. She pats them, rolls them, and throws them in a pan!




We talked to her Daddy on the phone and she said “Hi Daddy, I looove you Daddy, Bye-Daddy!” and then it was bed time. I said “Are you ready to go night-night?” That prompted Gracie to start singing her song…. “Night-Night Gay-cie, Night-Night Gay-cie” all the way up the stairs and snug as a bug in her bed.

Night-Night Gay-cie, I loooove YOU!


Tammy said...

so sweet! And, thanks for reading my blog and commenting. I love this way of staying in touch.

Joy said...

Glad you had a fun day with her, even if you had to miss work. Love her 3 wheeler--what brand is it?

The Gleasons said...

Glad you got a fun day with your sweet girl! :)