I get a weekly email from Babycenter.com all about what other toddlers do at Gracie’s age. I love reading them and finding out the things she should or might do. Sometimes they are right on. This is what I got today:
Hello, Shannon!
Ask Me Anything
"Why, Mommy?" "Why?" "Why?" Questions are probably your preschooler's new favorite form of speech. And there's a reason for that: Asking is a good way of finding out, and your child is constantly coming across new situations he wants to know more about. Although endless questions can get wearisome — especially if you have a tenacious, super-curious child — answering them simply and patiently encourages your child to keep asking and learning.
Like I said, Right on! When we are home just us, our little Gracie is a complete chatter box. (I know some people won’t/don’t believe me because she is so quiet and calm out in public or when we are with people!) But, really she is non-stop asking questions. Her phrase is “What’s this?” over and over and over… The bad part to this is now when we are out- like at the grocery store- she points to PEOPLE and says “What’s this? Who’s that?”… it got a little embarrassing in the very tight aisles of Kroger yesterday! She just wants to know who everyone is. But if you see us out, don’t talk to her. She will become a mute. She always likes the people that ignore her best :)
No, she’s not giving the Peace sign, she’s showing you how old she is!
Yes, she’s on the counter in the kitchen. This is her favorite spot in the mornings so she can eat a little pre-breakfast and watch me make our lunches.
Her new love; cereal with milk!
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