Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Catching Up


We’re still here! I just haven’t been good about taking pictures lately.  Kelly went to the deer lease with my dad this past weekend I stayed in Plano with my mom. We did our annual lunch/shopping day on Black Friday. Gracie was so worn out she came home and slept over 2 hours!

We only have 3 weeks of school until winter break and we are beyond ready!

Her jell-o was finger licking good


Pretending to sneeze


She’s been doing pretty good with potty training. She goes a few times to the potty but isn’t consistent. I just wish I had a few days where we didn’t having anything going on to stay home with her and get her trained! We haven’t had 1 weekend with nothing to do since September.  She got her swine flu shot today. I debated and debated for months and wasn’t going to give it to her. I changed my mind and feel ok about my decision. She screamed her little head off but m&m’s worked wonders. She’s a momma’s girl at heart!

She has started telling us ‘stories’. Last night at dinner she went on and one telling us some story that was the funniest thing. The cutest thing was that she’d look at Kelly and talk and then look at me and talk like we just knew what she was talking about. I captured a little bit on video that I’ll post another time. Tomorrow marks her 26th month. She still LOVES watching Barney, talking about her friends at the sitter’s house, and her new love is jell-o!


The Gleasons said...

I know you're so ready for winter break!! I'm still unsure of the swine flu shot, too. ???????

Lauren said...

Good for Gracie for going potty! I haven't started with Avery...I'm waiting for her to start talking more :) I wish Gracie could teach her some words, sounds like she has LOTS! Oh, the greenery I got was from either Michael's or Hobby Lobby (I think HL). I got it last fall and it was on sale half-off. Glad y'all had a good Thanksgiving :)