Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Baby Shower

Last weekend I was overwhelmed by some baby love. It was supposed to be just a 'sprinkle' for me and baby but turned way more than that. When you get my mom's friends involved they can't just do a little bit!

Gracie attended the shower with me and to say she was excited is an understatement! She had heard from GG that she might be getting some special gifts too for being a big sis and she was all OVER that!

 Here are more wonderful hosts:
Marian, (in her beautiful house), Miss Anne (who my mom taught preschool with), Glenna (my mom's childhood friend/my 2nd mom), me, Nicole (my friend from 6th grade), and Alison, my wonderful SIL.

It was an 11 shower so we had finger sandwiches, pasta salad, fruit salad, and some other fun things  along with the best bundt cupcakes I've EVER had. So good!

Here are some pics from the day...

Lunch was sooo good then we moved on to the best part for Gracie, all the presents! Way too many gifts. Gracie opened about as many as I did! She stocked up on some fun new things :) 

It was so strange to see all the blue stuff! It hasn't sunk in yet that I"m having a boy (or a baby in just a few weeks for that matter!). 
Her favorite gift, a new baby brother!

I had this Big Sis shirt made for Gracie on etsy and GG gave it to her at the shower with her gifts. Baby G has a matching one that has his name on it too. We didn't bring it so the name is sill a secret!

             A special thank you to Ying-Li, she just grabbed my camera from me early on in the shower and took over! That was so nice!!

As you can see it was a WONDERFUL shower. I was so overwhelmed with the love from all of these special people and friends that couldn't make it that day. It was something I'll never forget. I was waited on hand and foot that day. All my 'people' were bringing me food, cupcakes, presents, and then they packed me car for me! It was so great!!

I joked and said Gracie is going to ask me for another sibling in another year so she can get more gifts!! Thank you, thank you to everyone for all the baby BOY Love!

When we got home I called ahead to Kelly to make sure he was home to help me unload. It took several, and I mean several, trips from the car to get all the gifts in. Here's the spread...

                            Gracie's new loot- unbelievable!!

    The next morning- and her choice of pj's and mix-matched socks!

   See what I mean??? Way too much stuff but very sweet from everyone. Needless to say, Brother's closet is FULL. We are set for newborn-9 months of clothes :)  And this doesn't count the stuff that was already at our house. Some sweet friends couldn't make the shower, or ordered from online and luckily I didn't bring it to the shower!
                      Thank you to everyone!!



Oliver and Nicole said...

You deserved all of that love and attention! The pictures of you and me made me laugh because I know I'm not taller than you normally! The difference between flats and heels. You are carrying this baby so look fantastic! I cant' wait to meet him!

The Schmitt Family said...

What a beautiful shower! I so wish I could have been there! You look amazing and I can't wait to see baby Gauger in just a few weeks!