Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ramsey at 2 weeks

It's hard to believe our boy is 2 weeks old! I think because I've had 2 weeks of sleepless nights it feels like I had him at least a month ago or longer!

I've started putting him in his crib during the day for naps.
He's on a college schedule- sleep all day, party all night. This Momma doesn't like to party all night anymore! I get a 6:15 wake up call from Gracie every single morning. Never fails!

Gracie continues to beg, plead, and whine until she holds him and feeds him. We fight over him!! He does respond to her though. He does not respond well when he's crying and she's shoving his paci at full force into his mouth. He's not real fond of the paci. We keep trying! He needs a soother in his acid reflux screaming fits!

He loves going for walks and so far does well in the car. I'm very close to driving or walking around the neighborhood at 2 am when he won't stop crying!

Yes, poor baby has silent infant reflux. (So we think based on symptoms) no spitting up at all that's why his is the silent kind.

Had 2 wk well visit and dr said we should try Prevacid. When I found out it was going to be $120 I called back to see if we could try Zantac. It was only $11. We tried all week and he's still suffering. Especially at night so I've gone a few nights with 2-2 1/2 hrs sleep. Not much beauty rest! We decided its not worth it. We switched to the Prevacid today and I took him to our chiropractor. He's going to do simple treatments (not actual adjustments) once a week for a few weeks. Ramsey did great! He didn't even flinch! He also gave me a suggestion on how to massage his upper back where digestion/reflux occurs and told me to make a rice sock to heat up and put on his back during his screams.
At is appointment he had gained a little weight and was back to 9 lbs. That was good news!
Here's his stats:
9 pounds
21 in long
Takes 2-3 oz bm every 3 hours.
Still has days/nights flipped. I discovered while trying to keep him awake we were keeping Gracie awake with all his crying. Not good! We've got to get him on a good schedule that I can live with (for sleep) and allow Gracie to get the rest she needs. Not easy!

I did venture out to Target after his appointment. I was trying to tell him how it was my favorite store. Was not amused!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Joy said...

I can't imagine how hard a crying, non-sleeping baby is. I say as long as Kelly is home with Gracie go ahead and take a 2am drive if that is what helps him sleep. My parents use to do that with my brother. Hang in there!

But he is so adorable I am sure soon you will forget all about it.