Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Day in the Life

So I can look back and remember what life was like with a 5 1/2 yr old and 7 wk old.
Monday May 28th
6:25 am Gracie wakes us up. I can't believe this guy is sleeping still.

In his bouncer that we put in the pack n play.
I get up, get bottle ready, make her breakfast.

Waffles- easy for Mommy :) she only has 30 min and it is a fast race to accomplish everything. I always have her clothes, socks, bow, & bag out ready to go.
Ramsey is up- 6:40ish has 1st bottle. Took 3 1/2 oz

Last night he slept 11:00-2:15. Bottle and back in bed by 3- he slept until 6:40. He started fussing at 5 but we both fell back asleep!! I use my timer alllll day for things. Here is my sleep last night! Getting better. Not a straight 7 hrs and I have to hit the hay really early to squeeze in these hits!

Cuddles with Gracie/ then diaper change #2

Kelly & Gracie are out the door at 7:00. Phew! Since having Ramsey- he takes her to school and I pick her up. Just a few more days...

I pump and entertain him in his rocker. Multitasking at its finest. I'm slowly stopping the pumping. I ready to cut the cord! I have a good freezer supply too so it's time :)

I wash and sanitize pump parts/bottles we used during the night.

These are the best!! Each bag can do 20 uses. So nice and easy.
Ramsey comes to our room while I get ready for the day. Showers at night help for a quick morning routine.

Can't get enough of him!

I then start a load of wash (I do 1 a day) then make beds. Make grocery list, clean off kitchen counters, call Nissan for Kelly.

He crashed! I change him and diaper #3 is on.
8:15 Next we are off to grocery store. He slept almost entire trip.

He woke up at the check out and then started screaming- lasted whole way hm. It was 9:05- he was starving- again. I had to hurry to put up cold stuff- heat up bottle.

Phew- just in time. He was about to pass out from all the crying! Took 3 1/2 oz- happy now!
Happy is over- had to push him around in stroller. Had another blow out (diaper #4)
He hangs in room watching mobile while I put away groceries from earlier! He did good about 15 min!

He's tired now and I rock him as he falls asleep. He sleeps 1 full hour.
I sort/fold/put away laundry and eat lunch. Also catch up on real housewives of OC.

12:05 I have to quickly give him his 3rd bottle/ diaper change (5) because we have to be walking out no later than 12:40 to get Gracie.
1:00 pick up Gracie/ stop at Buy Buy Baby

Home at 1:40- her a show- I pump- he naps :) I even get to rest my eyes for 20-25 min even though Gracie's whining wanting to constantly eat/swim/ play with every loud toy she can find.
Ramsey sleeps until 3:30. Very nice! 2 hr nap. I have to be quick with bottle- he's mad! Diaper #6

He has a painful time after his bottle. Screaming. Crying. Clawing. Rocking/walking/strolling- I'm trying to console him. It goes on for about 45 min. Finally he relaxes and it passed.

Gracie got in dress up. (She NEVER does that!)

We all played around the house. I started dinner at 4:30. Gracie eats early.

We did a puzzle. She mostly did it. Not an easy one!

About 5:15 we ate. Just us girls.

Gracie & I love the Pioneer Woman cook show. We made her sushi roll-ups (cream cheese, ham, and veggies in a tortilla) & pasta salad. She liked it ok!
He was content.

I pumped while she watched a show. Then it was time for him to eat again- 6:15! He was up the entire time from previous bottle. Diaper change- I've lost count!
Things got crazy and I was busy so no pics. Kelly made it home by 7 (tutoring day). He ate and we gave the mister a bath.

He likes baths but hates getting out and dressed.

Gracie wanted to show her toothbrush. It sings a Disney song the amount if time you should brush. I'm sooo sick of that song!! She gets ready for bed. We pick out her school clothes.

Kelly and Gracie cleaned the pool so we went out to join them. We came in, she played on the iPad for 10 min then lights out for her at 8. She was out cold at 8:30. Ramsey snoozed too. I finally sat down and relaxed a minute!
Kelly and I caught up on our days. Paid a few bills. Cleaned bottles, watched a little tv, started blogging our day. Pumped last day for the day- said goodnight to the boys. This wasn't from tonight but usually I find this:

Seriously! I get nighttime bottles ready- clean pump parts and get that ready as well.I turn on Friends in my room to fall asleep to. Even though I've seen every episode 10,000 times it never gets old!  I hear Ramsey stirring and Kelly is getting his last bottle ready then he puts him to bed in our room around 11ish. Somewhere between 10:30-11 it's lights out for me :) Doesn't take long and I do not wake up until I hear little man stirring. I look at the clock and nearly faint that it's 3:30 in the morning! He slept from 11-3:30. Miracle!!

This is a bad picture and it's dark. I keep it dark and as quiet as I can so he'll go back to sleep after bottle. This is where it's tricky. I feed him and pump at the same time. I've been doing this since he was 1 week old. Normally all day long I"d be feeding and pumping unless someone else was there to help. It's because I"m stopping the pumping sessions that this is my first time all day. It's not easy but I've learned some tricks and it works just fine. I will be glad when I can throw my pump away! Good for me, Ramsey eats good then goes straight to sleep on my shoulder. I clean everything up and have him back in bed at 4:05. A record! Then we both drift off to sleep until Gracie wakes us all up at 6:30. 

Then we start our day ALL over again. Wash, rinse, repeat! I love it- but it is exhausting and NOT easy juggling 2 kids. Luckily things are so much better with Ramsey. When he was having screaming fits and up all night I was a mess. It was bad! Thank goodness those nights seem to be in the past! I do go through tons of diapers and feel like all I do is feed, wash bottles, change diaper then start all over but he is worth it!

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1 comment:

Joy said...

Wow this tired me out just reading it!! and i thought my day was busy. You win!