He's mostly a happy baby- as long as he's fed and full. The full part is not easy! He eats anywhere from 4-5 oz a day and I can't even count how many bottles he has because we go through so many! He eats way more than Gracie did at this age but he's a growing BIG boy!
He's still in size 1 diaper and that seems to do him just fine. We use Pampers and I love the color shield that lights up to tell me he's wet. It's a nice perk to Pampers.
He's sleeping pretty great. We can't complain at all. Last night he fell asleep around 9 but we woke him just to feed him 3 oz at 10:30ish and he slept until 7:30 in the morning! If he doesn't get that last few ounces in around 10 then he'd be up around 5. He is still sleeping in our room in his hammock chair. I know we should switch him to the crib but since he sleeps so well it's hard to move him! Plus we like having him close to watch him through the night! Naps are when he can get them throughout the day. He usually takes 1 longer one and a few shorter ones. They are all dependent on when he woke up that day and what we're doing that day. Car rides make him VERY sleepy :)
He's starting to make more noises now and coo at us. He likes patty foot or patty cake hands and just loves watching his big sis perform for him! He survived his first 12 hour trip to Nebraska. It wasn't easy, let me tell you. But, we survived. I'm glad we don't have to drive 12 hours very often. It was rough.
I have NO idea how much he weighs since it's been a full month since we've been to the dr. I'm guessing we weighs somewhere around 14-15 lbs. We go next month for 4 month appt so we'll see then. I know he's growing though! He sure he is a sweet love. We cannot imagine life without him!
1 comment:
That outfit is SO cute. He's precious!!!!
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