Another month is here and it's time! Ramsey is 4 months old!!
Do you see his weight? THAT is why my back hurts :) Holy Moly- he's a big guy. Healthy! So thankful for that.
Right now he's in a size 2 diaper and eats 6 oz about every 3 hours. New studies now are saying that they recommend you wait until 6 months to try food. I don't think I can wait that long. His Dr said if he starts waking up in the middle of the night it's a sign he's not getting enough and to start food. I'm not sure what' well do but I guess he's okay right now :) They nurses couldn't believe he'll sleep from 10ish to 7-7:30 am. They said we were very lucky!
He's really started making fun baby noises and bubbles in his mouth. He is in love with his hands and feet. He loves being in his stroller so he can snatch a foot and bring it to his mouth. It's too funny. He hardly has any crying fits anymore. If he does he's overly tired or really hungry and we can solve the problem pretty easily now.
I hate that we are here at 4 months. I love him being older but hate that it means my full time with him is over. I hate it more than anything. Some moms love to work but not me. I work because I have to. I don't have a choice. I am so thankful for my 1/2 day (I promise) but if I were able to pick I'd stay home in a heart beat. So sad. I have a pit in my throat about leaving him. It hurts.
Ramsey- I love to pieces. I can't wait to see what you're 4th month brings :)
1 comment:
He is such a cutie pie!!
I will pray for you and your work situation. I see no issue with moms who want to work, but my heart hurts when I hear of one who really desires to stay at home. I will pray that God will make a way for you!
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