Monday, September 02, 2013

Gracie goes to Kindergarten

A BIG event has happened in our house. Our little baby has started Kindergarten! I can hardly believe it. I just cannot believe she's old enough! Last week we had some exciting events including a kindergarten picnic at her new school and Meet the Teacher. We didn't know any of the Kinder teachers but we were thrilled to meet her sweet, sweet Teacher, Mrs. C.

 She's really, really cute. She's new to the school but not a new teacher. She's from Katy, TX and just got married this summer. She's also taught 1st grade before so I think that's good to know where the kids need to be at the end of the year!

                              Kinder picnic (thank goodness in the gym so we didn't die in the 100 degree heat!)

Then the day finally came, the REAL day. They day she woke up as a kindergartener. Where things will be different forever...
 Her lunch was packed, breakfast was had (cinnamon rolls and fruit). The morning was nothing less than crazy. Her daddy had misplaced his school badge and was running around the house like a crazy person in frantic search of this little badge. He never found it so he was panicked and that made things very tense in our house that morning.    All was okay though until her Daddy said he was so glad that I was taking her and not him because he might cry. Well then I lost it. How was I going to take her? How did I get elected the job of taking the Kindergartener? He got to take the baby- which I wasn't that happy about him going to either.
 But somehow we made it. I held hands with my big girl all the way there. For 3 whole minutes of walking! We are so lucky to be steps away from school. It just just too good to be true. Holding hands all the way to her class to put her stuff in her big locker and find her spot.
      We had a quick pic with her new friend (but sadly in a different class ) before I looked at the clock and realized I had less than 20 minutes to get clear across town and ready for my school day. I panicked a little. Threw some kisses and had to run, well- walk fast! I ran across the street and had to speed a little (or a lot) to get to my work on time.
 I guess that saved me from crying big tears because I was so worried about being late! I HATE being late anywhere. Somehow we made it. I made it, Ramsey made it (thanks to GG picking him up early on his first day) We all survived. I was sooooo excited to pick her up at 2:45! She was beaming with smiles and said "Mommy!!!! I'm starving :)" She had a great day, loves her teacher, and loves school! Phew! I fixed her favorite meal and even baked a cake for the 1st day. Spaghetti and then chocolate cake for dessert. I even let her blow out a candle for a good school year.
 And Ramsey? Well, he's having to adjust to all new things too. New wake up time, new babysitter, new people, new schedules. It's all new. He's been waking up at night off and on but has gone back to sleep pretty easily. 2 days he did wake up at 5. Not the best thing, but not the worst thing ever. He's going to have his own post soon on what he's been up to! Growing fast, that's for sure!!

Gracie woke up every morning just happy as a lark to get going. She couldn't wait to wear "ordinary clothes" as she called them (shorts) to school on Wednesday. She's really into wearing her hair in a braid now which is fine but I miss the bows. 

She's been learning all about fun science things and letters. She loves her teachers' "Magic WAll" as she calls it. (the projector that makes it like a smart board) She just thinks its the coolest thing. She loves recess and lunch (of course!) But also likes PE. She has to be careful because her Daddy knows the PE teacher! Eyes are always on her.

Finally we made it to Friday!
Spirit Day, or Mustang Day! She chose a head band and it was still on her when I picked her up. Miracle!  See the cars across the street? That's the school parking lot. So close! We love it now! We've gotten into a little routine now. I have everything ready, walk her over around 7:15 then I run back to grab my stuff and go. It's not bad :) Just crazy busy rush, rush, rush.

                           Sibling Love. He loves her dearly!! He grabbed onto her shirt and was having a conversation with her. So cute!

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