Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekend Fun

We are all over the stomach bug now and feeling better!

It was a rough one for all!

Thurs we had 75 degree temps!

Then Early Friday a cold front brought us low 40's and rain...

So hot chocolate was the after school snack!!

Ramsey's been on a sleep strike lately. He's been waking up all hrs of the night and waking up the whole house! One night he was up 10:30pm- 1:30 am then my clock went off at 5:30. No sleep for me! Stinker! It's been every night for a week now like that.

Good thing he's cute!!

Saturday it was really cold and wet so we put up Christmas. I've never done it this early! I didn't do much. Keeping it light this year! Gracie helped me do the tree. Ramsey sat and played with beads for 45 min!!

I'm thinking next yr he'll be all over the place!!

G was so excited to help get her stuff from the attic. She's in this pic on the far left bottom. She did not want in it b/c she's pouting. It's started. The sibling fighting! She's saying "Mommy! He keeps knocking my stuff over!!" And he's just grinning ear to ear!! Priceless

Then today I took some cute pics. Saving the best for our card but here's a sweet one...

My cutie pies! G wrote her Christmas list and we had lots of family time this weekend. Fun stuff!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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