Sunday, December 08, 2013

Ice storm 2013

Well we're on day 3 now of being totally iced in. Not sure the total but we heard something like 2-3 in of solid ice. All over the place. Cars are stuck in the garages because of steep driveways! It's nasty. 35 was shut down for over 18 hours with semi trucks and cars. Lots of ppl without power here in Plano. We were lucky! We did lose some major tree branches in the front.

We've been trying to keep our sanity and keep Gracie busy! Ramsey has no idea we're trapped in the house!! Poor bubba isn't a huge fan of the cold air. I don't blame him!!

But G loves being out!!

Here she is wearing my favorite non-warm scarf I got in San Fran. She even lost it at the park and in nearly lost it on her! K had to take her back and retrace their steps!! It was found! Phew

I kept her busy inside cleaning out. I had a major bee up my butt and wanted to move things around! We ended up moving her play area! So she had cleaning to do. She made a huge give-away pile!!

Here's our new dining/ kitchen area! Now I need a large rug b/c the floor is really cold in here!

Cutie pie! He's getting so much more hair now! Enough for a little fro-hawk! So cute

Staying busy, projects, cooking, watching movies in pj's. We are running low on food though! And extremely low on baby wipes. I googles diy baby wipes just in case!! It's not worth it to get out right now. Not even certain we"ll have school tomorrow!!

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