Friday, May 29, 2009

Fend for Yourself Friday


Friday nights here at the Gauger house are called “Fend for yourself Fridays” (for dinner). We started this a few weeks ago somehow and it’s so nice knowing I don’t have to worry about what I’m going to cook- I just have to worry about what I’m going to feed her! We usually just have cereal or anything we can find and I will fix her or something I know she will eat. Tonight we had a leftover pizza crust in the freezer so we made it a pizza night! I thought Gracie would want to help make the pizza but got she got a little distracted when sauce got on her foot and leg. That’s all she cared about (she does not like being dirty) but doesn’t she have a good pointer foot? We might have a little ballerina…


She really enjoyed helping put on the cheese. That was her favorite.




smile1     I did have to fix the pizza while her Daddy was giving her a bath!

It’s Friday and I only have 2 more days of school! There are actually 4 and 1/2 days left but I only have 2 days next week!.

Speaking of school… as of yesterday it was official; I have a job for next year! It will be back at the same school doing Sp. Ed again but it will be full time. There might be a possibility of a 1/2 day every day part time but I just don’t see how that would work. In a perfect world I could have my 2-3 day work week but that’s no longer an option. It will be a very hard transition to working full time again but at least we have the summer. I told Kelly’s it’s back to living for the weekends and counting down until summer break! I am very thankful for a job though! I know Kelly is very relieved himself :)  Happy Friday!


Tammy said...

I know you're probably not too excited about going back to work full time, but maybe it's only for a bit. Who knows? The following year you could be back to part time again... love the Fend For Yourself Friday theme. Lately, with all of the stuff we've been going through, everyday has been Fend for yourself around here!!! Notice I haven't posted a menu in forever! Right now, I have milk and some leftovers from the Luau last night in the fridge and that's about it. I have 8 days left of school. I'm sure we'll be in the Plano/McKinney area some over the summer.. I'd really like to get together with you guys when we come into town.. game??? Oh, and tell Kelly that next year I've accepted a job in the same district as Dan teaching 5th grade Math all day! I'm excited, but the weird thing is that 5th grade in Hooks is at the Junior High, so I won't be elementary anymore... weird, huh? Love you guys...

Leslie said...

Gracie is just too cute! I'm laughing b/c all the little girls I know hate to be dirty, while my boys could care less! Ha ha. I'll send Theo over next time you make pizza and he'll really give you something to clean up after! Pizza is always a staple over here :)