Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fall Cleaning

We’ve had so much going on the past few weeks and our house is showing the neglect. You know it’s bad when Kelly says our house is a mess (that rarely comes out of his mouth, trust me!) We decided to devote some time into some Fall Cleaning…

Little Miss had other plans


When I start putting stuff up she says “Noooooo.” She hates the vacuum cleaner, but she likes to ‘help’ dust. She did take some play breaks with Daddy.


We went and visited Papaw and had lunch then came back and picked up a carpet cleaner to clean our dirty carpets. The water got filthy- shows how dirty our carpets were, gross! After a nice long nap we met up with Daddy and Jack on a walk.DSC_0014


***Thank you so much to everyone about your sweet comments and thoughts about my Nana. I really appreciate it. We are hanging in there!

1 comment:

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

Sounds like a good productive weekend!

So sorry to hear about your Nana!