Monday, January 21, 2013

28 wks/7 months

Another months has flown by and I'm officially 28 weeks/7 months pregnant! Not too much longer to go and boy,  is that scary to think about! I had my 28 week appt on Friday and had my glucose test. It wasn't too bad but I was starved. My appt was in late afternoon so I had to fast for 3 hours before and it was during lunch. I was ready for dinner, early! Luckily, my results came back normal today so I don't have to go back and do the awful 3 hr test like I did with Gracie. Thanks to pinterest I've been making a lot of sugar free sweets that help satisfy a craving!

Things are going well- no real issues which is nice. I have this weird growth that has popped up on my wrist. I'm not sure exactly what it is. It looks like I've fallen and broken my wrist but I know I haven't fallen! My dr looked at it and is referring me to a wrist/arm surgeon to get it checked out. She said it could be a cyst. Not sure. I'm not worried about it. It doesn't hurt it's just odd looking. Right where my hand and wrist meet on my left side. Just an odd thing.

Baby boy's heart was good at 140. He's been very active lately and his kicks/movements can sometimes be very uncomfortable for me. I"m thankful he's active in there because otherwise that'd be another concern!

The big change now is that I start going to the dr every 2 weeks! I'm so thankful that I work 1/2 days so I can go in the afternoons now. I wouldn't be able to cut it working full time and having to go all the time to the dr. Also, we should be getting my c-section scheduled very soon, like maybe this week! Then we'll have an actual date! I was worried about possibly going into labor on my own early. I have no idea what that's like b/c I never had any contractions with Gracie (or ones that knocked me over) and I never went into full labor so I have no idea what that's like! My dr said history usually repeats itself with pregnancies so chances are the same thing will happen with him. I will have an earlier c/sec to make sure though! I don't want any emergency situations! At my last appt I had to pay already for his circumcision. So now I"ve paid a full c/sec deposit ($$$) and the surgery for me. Babies AREN"T cheap!

I've gained about 10 pounds plus what I lost earlier (but I'm not counting that!) Sleeping is okay. I wake up a lot trying to get comfortable and sometimes don't go back to sleep. I rest every afternoon that I can with Gracie. Even if she' s just watching a show, I sit and rest. I'm very active at school and don't have much downtown so when I get home and late afternoon I start crashing. No real food cravings. I eat smaller meals/snacks to keep me tied over. Definitely eating a lot of fruit and carbs! I am hungry a lot but sometimes I'm not at all. You just never know. Typical pregnancy symptoms going on are lower back pain at night. It's also harder for me to do my usual things like picking up toys off the ground, helping G get dressed and dried off after swimming. I'm trying but it can get frustrating!

Baby's room is ready (for the most part). I'm going to register for a few things and some friends are going to have a very small sprinkle shower in March for me. There's also a big yearly kid consignment sale coming in early March so I will be there to get some bigger 1/2 price items!

I have to say, strangers are a lot nicer to me in general. Mostly middle aged men feel sorry for me I guess and always open doors and help me with things. No random people have tried to touch me so that is good. I hate that! Don't like people touching me! 

I"d say it's been a good month and we're looking forward to more smooth sailing for a few more months. I can't wait to meet our little boy and see what/who he looks like! We have pretty much finalized a name. But, it's something we are going to wait and share when he's born! Makes people pretty mad when I tell them but it's the way it's going to be, so get over it :)

Here's to making it through and enjoying these last few months of this journey! It seems like I've been pregnant FOREVER!


The Schmitt Family said...

You look great! I am so glad things are going smoothly and can't wait to see him, too!!

Oliver and Nicole said...

So excited for you! You look great! I can't WAIT to hear the date of your c-section, and I can't WAIT to hear this baby's name! Did you doctor say the thing on your wrist might be a ganglion cyst? I had a small one on my wrist several years ago. It didn't require anything special...went away on it's own. Sometimes they suggest dropping a book on it, which I know sounds nuts, but it breaks it up and it goes away. If it's small and IF that's what you have. Best of luck on that! I'm sure it's nothing.