Monday, April 22, 2013

The Ramsey Quilt

Grandpa Ramsey's daughter (who we called Granny) made a special quilt several years ago. It was given to my mom and she passed it to me. It's called the wedding ring quilt. I thought it would be really neat to take Ramsey's picture on it from time to time. So, here is the Ramsey Quilt!

            We call this his Heisman Pose! He does this a lot. Just practicing for the future!!

Isn't he just sooo cute? I'm surprised he has ANY skin left on his face. We are constantly kissing on him!

I am a little worried he's got something going on. Night have gone from bad to worse with him and he's been having a lot of trouble after feedings. Screaming for hours, clenching his fists, arching his back, turning red all over. It's been awful. It's not after every feeding but always from 11ish to 2 ish. Last night I was up with him from 12-3. Then he was up again at 5.  He wasn't screaming the entire time but very restless and just looks/sounds like he's in pain. Could be really bad gas, or silent reflux. He's not a spitter at all but has all the symptoms for silent reflux in infants. We're going to the dr later this morning and I'm hoping for answers. I can't survive on 2 hours of sleep much longer! My poor baby. IT's awful to see him in pain when I'm trying everything I can do!

Meanwhile I"m having a lot of fun snapping pictures of him. He doesn't really LOVE it so much but he'd better get used to it!

Right now he eats every 3 hours and takes about 2 and 1/2 ounces per feeding. I've been trying out different feeding tips and trying different bottles to see if there's a difference and so far it's been the same. He definitely is in pain but he sleeps wonderfully off and on from 7 am - 10 pm! If only I could too! Luckily Gracie is sleeping pretty good but it's only because I stay completely away from her room and area of the house. I've spent  most early mornings on the couch or rocking chair trying to settle this guy. I've done very little sleeping in my bed. He already had his 2 week appointment set up for today so that worked out. I"m going to try taking him to our chiropractor too soon to see if he can help as well. I told Gracie it's a good thing he's so cute and sweet during the day!Also, this weekend the majority of his belly butting clamp fell off. Gracie's took almost a full month. So glad to have that icky thing gone!


The Schmitt Family said...

He is SO adorable!! I am sorry to hear he is so uncomfortable. I am sure you will get it figured out soon!

Melissa said...

Omiwow! I would not be able to stop kissing those sweet little cheeks either! He is precious!

I hope you get some answers from your pedi. Cora had terrible reflux, and her symptoms were similar to what you describe. It's so hard when they're so little. Hugs!!