Monday, May 20, 2013

Ramsey is 6 weeks old

Time flies when you're having fun (or NOT getting much sleep!) Ramsey Michael is 6 weeks old TODAY!

We made it 6 weeks with our little guy! It's gone by fast but feels like a long time too if that makes any sense. His crying fits are coming in smaller amounts of time. No longer the 12-3 screaming every night. He's fussy during the day at times but it's for off and on and each day is different. Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get :)

Our sweet love is growing, growing, growing. This little onise is a 0-3 mth and I had to STRETCH it to get it over his big old head. He does have a rather large head. Good thing I had a c/sec! I caught these sweet pics after his morning bottle. He's really smiling more and staying awake longer stretches during the day. It's good that he's doing that but hard at times when I'm juggling Gracie too and trying to make dinner, pump, maybe do a load of laundry. It's hard at times! I won't lie.  Gracie is a huge help and I try to give her things to do. She likes that.

Ramsey eats still about every 2 1/2-3 hours at 3 ounces per bottle. He's not the easiest burper but we try because that's important with the acid reflux and gas problem. We try to get 3-4 burps. It's a good feeding if we get 4. His last bottle is still around 10-11ish. Kelly stays up for that while I take my first "nap" as I call them. Not a full night's sleep for me. Mostly 1-3 hour increments so I call them naps! The night before last he had his BEST night. He slept from 12:30-4 in the morning then 4:30-almost 7. That was like a true miracle! Wasn't the same last night but he is improving. He loves his Big sister to pieces and she loves him too.

 I could just eat his big pouty lips and chipmunk cheeks. They are to die for!

1 comment:

amy b.s. said...

oh my so cute! that second photo is especially fantastic!