Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sweet Ramsey

I really thought I'd have all this time to just take an unlimited number of pictures of him as a sweet, sleeping newborn. Well, that's easier said then done. It has to be the right time, him in the right element (asleep) and no other distractions. I've tried! I'm saving my favorites for his announcement that will be arriving to me soon :)

 I got the above idea from Pinterest. Thought it was really cute!

  There's something about a new baby's feet/ toes! Just love his.

It's hard to believe he'll already by 4 weeks old tomorrow! What a month. Sleepless nights, hospital stay, learning his quirks. We are still learning about his because he is constantly changing! I do think overall he's doing better (not screaming AS much at night), but he is a screamer. I should have known, he came out screaming his lungs out and pretty much only stops when he's sleeping ) We are starting to have some more awake time with him and he can go 5-10 min w/o screaming. It's a start. He prefers to be held and take naps/sleep on you. I can't do this every day. I have gotten very good use out of my baby sling though. He does like this but my back kills me. This kid is heavy!

 I just love all of his BIG features. His chubby cheeks (chipmunk cheeks) and his big bottom lip. When he cries he puffs that bottom lip out and looks just pitiful! He does have really big hands too. We joke that he's already ready to catch that football!

 I'm not even certain this baby has acid reflux. Based on what we see and his symptoms, he has acid reflux but to us it seems like it's really bad, painful gas after he eats. He's now on a probiotic and we are putting gas drops in every bottle. I think it helps but I'm worried about him having this digestive issue and hope he doesn't have it forever. Hoping his tummy/digestive tract can develop better over time so we can get past these not so fun issues.

We have some fun things coming up this week: Ramsey turns 1 month old, Grandma and Grandpa Gauger are coming for 5 nights, and Ramsey is getting baptized at our church on Mother's Day! We are looking forward to it :)


1 comment:

The Schmitt Family said...

He is SO cute! I love all of the pictures of him! I hope he is starting to feel better. Have you thought about eliminating some foods from your diet? Perhaps he has a sensitivity or allergy to something?