Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gracie had a Little Lamb…

Gracie had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb


Gracie had a little lamb. It’s fleece was white as snow. (Well, he used to be white!)


 Everywhere that Gracie went, Gracie went, Gracie went


 Everywhere that Gracie went the lamb was sure to GO! DSC_0259

Gracie LOVES her lamb (Lambie, as we call him).  Poor Lambie though, as seen better days. He’s made it through many long car rides to Nebraska, to Alabama, airplane rides, and hundreds of nights as Gracie’s have to -have before she lays down in bed- friend. He used to wind up and play “Jesus Loves Me” but he no longer does that anymore either. Little Lambie- I’ve been thinking we need a new lambie? This one is getting a little raggedy… We’ve tried getting her new animals and she always goes back to Lambie…

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