Monday, February 22, 2010

Mom of the Year Award

Go ahead and sign me up for mom of the year for 2010. I have done many great things in these short 7 weeks but these 2 just have to take the cake. You be the judge…

A few weeks ago I was taking Gracie to the Dr. She had been sick all weekend so I was just taking her in to make sure nothing was really going on. It was a cold morning so I got her in the car and was putting on her socks/shoes, getting her all situated with her coat on and getting her brown dog that she has to have…. (you know, the usual car routine stuff!) My mind was going a mile a minute thinking about too many things. I got in the car, backed the car out, drove down the alley and we saw Lisa’s house (like we always do). Gracie said her usual line “There’s Lisa’s house…”  “Yes, there’s Lisa’s house” I said. I turned to go down our neighborhood street when all the sudden I hear “Mommy, Mommy, I need buckled.” I was thinking “What? You need Brooklyn?” (a girl that also goes to Lisa’s house) then I hear it again “Mommy, I NEED BUCKLE, BUCKLE me MOMMY!” I flip around in a panic and realize I had not buckled my child in her seat. OMG! I’m sure I’m not the only one that has ever forgotten to do that  (right???) but I felt like the worst person in the world. Here I am, taking my sick child to the Dr and she is one that reminds me to buckle her in the seat. I praised her and praised her for reminding me to buckle her in. I am thankful for my smarty pants 2 year old for that one!

And just this morning we had Barney on the tv in our room and I was trying to catch a few more z’s while Kelly was in the shower getting ready for Saturday school. (It was around 6:30) Gracie was on the bed with me and wanted down. She starts barreling over me head first and you guessed it, she falls off the bed, head first. Never mind the fact that she is suffering from a horrible ear infection at this time and has a red, tender leg from the antibiotic shot she got yesterday. But  now she has a headache too. The screams coming from her no one should have had to witness. It was bad. Luckily, it just scared her and hopefully she learned a lesson????

So there you have it, Mom of the Year, that’s ME!

I do know one thing, my little girl loves me-even with messy hair and forgetting to buckle her in sometimes. What can I say? Life as a mom is hard sometimes!



Jill said...

I would still vote you in as Mom of the year, what a wonderful thing you are doing with this blog. My nephew sure got a winner as a wife and now precious mother. Love you all Jill

Joy said...

I too have forgotten to buckle Chandler in her car seat 2 times before. It does make you feel bad and scared at the same time.

And wow, that is a wonderful photo of the 2 of you. Get it blown up and framed!

Lauren said...

Don't worry Shannon, both my kids have fallen off the bed and both have ridden in the car unbuckled on accident! You'll soon learn to sweat the small stuff (not that car safety is small stuff...but you know that she's in good hands and you buckle her up 99.999% of the time!) :) Hope she feels better soon!

Oliver and Nicole said...

You are so funny, and YES - being a Mom is hard sometimes. You ARE superMOM, Shannon, you are.