Sunday, May 31, 2009

Run Daddy, Run!

Today Kelly had his championship soccer game. It was supposed to be a few weeks ago but with all the rain on weekends we’ve had it was pushed back to today. Gracie and I decided to make our 1st (and last) appearance for this season. I was hoping it wasn’t going to be too hot but no such luck. I think it was 93 in the shade… We did find a smidgen of shade from a small tree and were able to stay and watch the 1st half. I even managed to snap a few pics…

Warming up before the game…









I don’t know how he does it; the running never stops!











G and I made it to 1/2 time then we had to make the mile long walk back to the car. And I do mean mile- long-walk, seriously. And of coarse I had to carry her in the scorching sun… my feet felt like they were on fire walking on the rocks… After I made it to the car carrying all 23.2 pounds of her plus my bag filled with goodies that had to weigh 10 pounds… I thought I was going to die! Seriously! We went to cool off and had lunch and then drove around in the nice air conditioning car! We did get out and waited in some nice shade. His game was so far down the field that we couldn’t see anything. I just kept looking for orange.. we waited, and waited, and waited for about 40 minutes. I thought we were NEVER going to see him again. I was too hot and tired so we just waited. Poor little G, she didn’t know what to do. Finally we started seeing some orange come our way. And guess what, one guy was carrying a pretty nice trophy; they WON!The game went into double overtime and almost a shoot-out. I am so glad we left, we wouldn’t have made it that long. G was so excited to see her Daddy (so was I, I wanted to go HOME!) Kelly says this is his last soccer game for a long time so it was a good way to end the season and his soccer career!


Yea Team!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Wow, y'all are troopers! We don't ever make it to Daniel's games (but he doesn't play for teams, just goofs off with other guys). LOVE Grace's cute!