Sunday, March 07, 2010

A Dishwasher and Riding a Horse

We woke up to a beautiful day yesterday. As soon as we were coming downstairs Gracie said “I wanna go outside!” I bundled her up and let her go out. We left the door open so she could come and go. She came in a little bit later and said “big, ba-yoon. High in the sky.” She was right…



We have a field close to our house that is a ‘take off/landing’ spot for hot air balloons. We like it more when they land there so we can see them longer but it still is fun to look at. Gracie loved when the hot air would fill the inside and go up,up, up..


All the outside dogs in the neighborhood were going crazy! Later on she had her snack outside too.


We did a lot of cleaning/organizing because Grandma and Grandpa Gauger are coming next week during our spring break. They haven’t been here since last March so we sure have made some changes at our house!


I picked up this little golf set at Walmart for $5. With out much Gracie loves being outside she needs more outside toys. She really likes it but she loves it even better when we pick up a putter and hit a ball across the yard!




We love nice weekends!

Which now leads me to the title of our post. We went to look again at dishwashers and even bought one. We got a pretty good deal at Sears for a nice stainless one and it will be delivered next weekend. Yea! I will be so thrilled to have dishes actually clean! Then the horse part. Kelly actually wanted to go inside the mall and what do we see? The horsies on the carousel. Kelly stopped and got a drink and Gracie said “I ride one? I ride one?” I decided to try it. This is the child who used to  scream and cry and didn’t want ANYWHERE near the horsies. But the new and improved ‘older’ Gracie wanted every part of it. She picked out her own horse and was thrilled. (I did not have my camera with me so you’ll just have to imagine it!) She at first liked it, then got scared and said “All done, all done.” Then we saw Kelly and that made her happy again. When it was over she said “More, more, more, morrrrrrrrrrrre!!” I said “No, all done!” (At $2 a ride, that’s enough spinning for me.) When she saw Kelly she said “I rode the horsie all by myself!” She was so proud and I was too :)

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