Friday, March 05, 2010

A Typical Day with the Gaugers

Kelly's Korner blog is doing "A Typical Day". Most days with us are school days, Bleh! Our work week is different every day so I really have to know what day of the week it is! So here is our typical day
5:25 am my alarm goes off, but I hit the snooze (always!)

5:40 I'm up in the shower getting ready while Kelly gets to sleep a little more. (I wish I could get ready in 20 min. like him!)

6:20ish I'm finishing getting ready and love it when Gracie is still snoozing. Some times she is just waking up so I run in to get her. If she is still sleeping then I sneak downstairs and get lunches and her morning stuff ready. Kelly gets up.

6:30 Gracie is up, dressed and we're downstairs getting ready. Mon-Wed. she goes to a sitter's house down the street, Thur she's with my mom, and Friday she's with my mom and at pre-school.

6:45-6:50ish we are in the car headed to drop her off! We have a good 25-30 minute commute to our school plus we have to be there at 7:30. M/T Kelly and I have to take separate cars, W-F we can carpool. (We teach at the same elementary school. He teaches 5th, I teach Special Ed)

7:30-3:30 We are shaping the minds of our future (ha, ha!) It's baby steps all the way till the kids leave...

3:30 M/T I run errands or grocery shop and pick her up down the street at 4:30. Wed's we're not home until 5:30 because it's meeting day. (see why a calendar is my best friend? Our work week is CRAZY!) Thurs/Fri we meet my mom to pick her up.

4:30 Pick up little G and I always have a little snack/juice for her and let her rest/unwind while watching Barney or Caillou. I start on dinner and check email. Kelly gets home around 5 except Mondays, he gets home after 6

5:30 dinner

6:00 bath Gracie loves her bathtime so we let her play for a LONG time. (Whatever makes her happy!)

6:30 Play time with playdough or coloring (or watching more Barney)
Depending on how much of a nap she had most nights shortly after 7 we are upstairs, reading books, saying "night-night" and she is down for the count by 7:30. Poor Girl, she is usually so exhausted! Some nights she can stay up a little later but always in bed by 7:45.

7:30 I clean up from dinner, clean house, count down until Friday, laundry, blog, check email, get stuff ready for tomorrow, count down until Friday

9:00 Most nights I'm in bed by 9 to catch up on DVR'd shows. Lights out (or I fall asleep first!) around 10 or 10:30 dreaming of summer break!
Only to start our crazy day over again.
We LIVE for the weekends around here. Weekends are much slower pace and way more fun :)
I am thrilled that it's Friday today and our crazy week is winding down!

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